Old Bridge Asset
We are Mutual Fund to help accelerate your wealth. Our approach to investing is using disciplined screening, rigorous company due diligence, and by paying close attention to valuation in an effort to optimize investment returns.
Why are we called Old Bridge?
In ancient Rome, when a bridge was constructed, the engineers of the bridge had to stand underneath it when the scaffolding came off. With their lives at risk, the engineers left no room for error. To design for safety and longevity, the engineers ensured that the load carrying capacity of the bridge was much higher than the actual or expected loads. They thus built a higher margin of safety into their construction.
Our portfolio construction echoes a similar principle. Our priorities are to buy enduring business models with emphasis on limiting capital losses, which is why we give emphasis on buying at the right price and value. By doing this, a margin of safety is built in to protect our portfolios even if our estimates are on the wrong side.
Our mission is to remain true to our investment philosophy and focus on long term wealth creation for our investors.
We aim to provide simple investment options and prompt service to the investors.